Thursday, September 20, 2007

'Cause you got to have friends....

My friend Brad from Kansas just did the sweetest thing for me. We were talking the other day about the fact that there are some things that you just can't find in New York and sometimes that's a real pain in the ass. For instance, I can't get Guittard chocolate chips in New York. They are without question the best chocolate chips of all brands. But no store carries them around here. So I have to have my mom send them to me from Atlanta. But she can only ship them in the fall or winter because of the heat.

At any rate, one of the things I miss from previous lives in other places is, of all things, a dishcloth. Handi Wipes Heavy Wipes are the best dishcloths ever. You think I'm crazy with this domestic talk. Maybe, but I have an appreciation for things that make life easier. And these do. They are lightweight (their name is a misnomer), they dry quickly, and they don't get mildewy-stinky because they dry so quickly. You can't buy them in New York. When I was discussing this with Brad, he was also telling me about a neat new microfiber dishtowel that kmart sells. I was interested, but all the kmarts around here have closed, so I couldn't get those either.

Today, when I came home, there was a package on the steps. A package that had Brad's handwriting on it. And I was puzzled...what could Brad have sent me? It felt like clothing, but I didn't think he would send me clothes. To my surprise, when I opened the package, there were six packages of Heavy Wipes in there! Six packages with three cloths each in them! I'll have dishcloths until I retire! PLUS, there was a package of the dish towels he had told me about! Woo-hoo! I was thrilled. Plus, there was a cute card..."Girlfriend, we cleaned kmart out!"

Love you, Brad. That was really sweet, and made my week...and it has been a really shitty week! But now it's all better. Love to Bob, too.


At 8:20 AM, September 21, 2007, Blogger pinknest said...

aww, how cute!! that's so funny and sweet of him to have sent those to you. now if only you could get a chocolate distributor....

At 3:01 PM, September 21, 2007, Blogger Brooklyn Bitch said...

I want those clothes! I need them for research! I love domesticity! I love doing dishes (MOST of the time)!

At 6:57 PM, September 21, 2007, Blogger Marc said...

pink: he and his partner have been my good friends for more than 25 years...we think a lot alike. And he is funny and sweet.

BB: I knew you'd love this!

At 12:47 PM, September 24, 2007, Blogger dantallion said...

MY friends NEVER send me cleaning supplies.... :(

That's really sweet!

At 2:42 PM, September 24, 2007, Blogger Michelle Ann said...

We always had Handy Wipes growing up... That's so funny! I haven't thought about those things in years.

And, I agree about the Guittard chips. Sorry, they aren't available in NY. :(

At 5:02 PM, September 27, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

You should bring those when you come for your visit. I have gummy messes everywhere.

At 12:53 PM, October 01, 2007, Blogger CoffeeDog said...

I love Handi-Wipes! I was in such a funk when I couldn't find them at the grocery store, had to buy some crappy knock off. Then, lo and behold, they came back! I've never seen the heavy duty ones, I'm just happy to get my usual ones back. Another tip - you can clean them by placing them in the dishwasher

At 1:39 PM, October 03, 2007, Blogger Marc said...

Dan - maybe none of your friends are clean freaks?

michelle_ann - yeah, I know, it's totally bumming with no Guittard. I love their extra-large milk chocolate chips, too. I could eat a whole bag in one sitting. That's why I don't buy those!

toddy - you never know...

coffeedog - yes, that's how I clean mine all the time! My mom used to put hers in the washer and dryer - which shrank them and wore them out quickly...until I told her about just hanging them over the dishwasher rack. Much easier, and no shrinkage or wear out! And they get bleached in the d/w, which is good.


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